abigail's bat mitzvah {fort lauderdale bat mitzvah photographer}

It meant a lot to me to be the photographer at Abigail's bat mitzvah, documenting this meaningful and joyful day for her and her family.  And while I do not belong to a synagogue, Ramat Shalom feels like home.  My youngest daughter loved going to preschool there, my nephew and niece were bar and bat mtizvah'd there, and I have always felt welcome.  I have known Rabbi Andrew for many years, and he probably doesn't realize that sometimes the small things that he does in his day to day life as a rabbi make a big impact on those with whom he interacts.  This month, it will be 9 years since my father passed away.  My parents did not belong to a temple either at the time that my dad was sick, but my sister has belonged to Ramat Shalom for many years, and so they knew Rabbi Andrew.  While my dad was very sick, Rabbi Andrew was kind enough to meet with my mom to offer some guidance through the difficult times.  I don't even know if Rabbi Andrew remembers this, but he visited my parent's home on the day that my dad died.  My sister, Gena, and I were there, spending time with my mom and dad.  Rabbi Andrew must have sensed that my dad was going to pass soon, so he told us something that has stayed with me ever since that day.  My dad was laying in my old childhood room, and Rabbi Andrew told us that when he passes, to open the window, and let his spirit out.  And later that same day, my dad passed away while my mom, my sister and I were with him in the room.  And one of the first things we did was to open the window.  To this day, I can almost envision his spirit leaving through that window, and as sad I get, it gives me a sense of comfort.   Even though he might not even realize it, Rabbi Andrew was there for my family on one of the most important days of my life.  And, I was so happy that I could be there on one of the important days in his life.  It was a beautiful bat mitzvah, one that his whole congregation could share.  Abigail was amazing and brave to do her service in front of such a huge crowd!  The party at Ramat was wonderful, from the beautiful tables that looked like gardens, the pink lighting, the dancing, and mostly the love from family and friends.  Thank you for having us there to capture this day for Abigail and your family, and thank you for all those little things you do for everyone else.  Enjoy your Sneak Peek! xoxo

Venue - Ramat Shalom

DJ Entertainment - Sound Event DJs